Monday 4 October 2010

Project 1 - Boundaries, Borders, Thresholds

My Line of Enquiry :

- If something is no longer a memory, does it cease to exist in our lives?

if something isn’t noticed, it doesn't exist in our minds
if something is forgotton, it ceases to exist in our minds
however, once it is removed, one recognises, triggering existence once more

mind triggers existence
memories form space
memories form existence
do memories exist?

(Paris Peasant) what proves something exists? Physics? Does physics exist?

Pg 16  (Invisible Cities)
I too am returning from zirma> my memory…
… Memory is redundant: it repeats signs so that the city can begin to exist

Pg 29  (Invisible Cities)
Zoe is the place of indivisible existence. But why, then, does the city exist? What line seperates the inside from the outside, the rumble of wheels from the howl of wolves?

Pg 39 (Invisible Cities)
They dreamed of persuing  her, after the dream….
… thety decided to build a city like the one in the dream

Pg 68 (Paris Peasant)
housewife awakens furniture thsat was asleep! through polishing with fragrant wax.

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