Saturday 16 October 2010

Memory Boot Devices

( Found items photographed before being arranged and finished using photoshop )

The concept behind my memory boot devices are quite simple; they unlock or trigger a single memory from the brain through an output, whether this is an output of sound, aroma, touch etc. The idea is that the user should construct a memory boot device for each memory he or she doesn't wish to forget, making them accessible for years to come at the touch of a button, turn of a key or opening of a tap etc (You get the picture!)

After the device is triggered, the output then works with the human memory store (brain) to trigger or boot a memory. The construct of the devices themselves are metaphorical of how I see the brain/ triggering of memories occurring in a  physical sense; the idea of a series of events that lead to a moment of clarity and triggering of a memory, represented through physical parts working in harmony until a certain alignment or combination is achieved, activating the output device/ devices and therefore triggering a memory.

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